About Us
What we believe.
As a Christian Church, instituted in 1963:
- We believe that the Bible is the authoritative, inspired Word of God.
- We hold to the historic Creeds shared by Christian Churches, (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed), and the Confessions (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, Canons of Dordt and the Westminster Confession) as an accurate summary of the teachings of God’s Word.
As a Reformed Church:
- We come under the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia, a denomination which has a vision to be continually ‘reforming to reach the lost for Christ’. Read more at crca.org.au
- We identify ourselves with the Protestant Reformation – a movement in the 1500-1600s – which saw churches strive to ground their faith and life completely in God’s word, as opposed to church Tradition or human reason.
- We believe that the Bible is the actual Word of God, which is trustworthy in every respect and therefore is our only rule for matters of faith and life.
- We believe that we are saved by Christ alone.
- We believe that God gifts us salvation by His amazing grace alone.
- We believe that we receive the gift of eternal life by faith in Jesus alone.
- We believe that all of life should be directed to God’s glory
As a Church
We believe that we belong to Christ, as members of His Body.
- We believe that Christ is our King, the Head and Saviour of His church.
- We believe that Christ has called us to be His People, living out faith in His Church and in His Kingdom.
- Our church is governed by the Church Council, comprising Elders (including our Pastor).
- Deacons and Deaconesses help practically care for those in need.
- Our mission is to guide people of all backgrounds into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.